Review: Classic Bullet With Ergonomic Finger Sleeve by Je Joue

The Je Joue bullet propped up against a beauty blender to show off its profile. It has an extra ring of silicone on it that you can slip over your finger.

Bullet vibes are a sex toy staple. Their small size makes them easy to store, travel discreetly, and include in partnered sex. They’re also pretty straightforward to use.

But bullet vibes can be difficult to hold, especially if you have grip issues. My fingers are prone to painful cramping (thanks, autism, for the weak hands and pressure/grip discordance!) so I have to be careful holding small objects. Sometimes my bullets get ditched in favor of less petite powerhouses.

Enter the Je Joue Classic Bullet. It has an “Ergonomic” Finger Sleeve that slips around the bullet to hold it in place. It’s not exactly hands-free use, but it’s grasp-free.

But is it as useful as it looks?

classic bullet design and features

Je Joue might be a French name (meaning “I play”) but it’s a UK-based company with a small, focused product line. A lot of their marketing emphasizes their sex toy motors, which “vibrate at a unique low frequency, giving a deep, rumbly sensation.”

This promise definitely piqued my interest. I love rumbly vibrations.

A close-up of the Je Joue Classic Bullet's finger sleeve.

The Je Joue Classic Bullet is rechargeable, waterproof, and lined with body-safe silicone. The silicone has a soft, matte texturing that’s almost skin-slick when drizzled with lube. The toy itself is rigid. The finger sleeve, on the other hand, is thin and malleable.

This bullet is thicker than my other bullet vibrators (minus the extra chunky Hot Octopuss Amo.) Unlike the famed We-Vibe Tango, it won’t fit in a vac-u-lock dildo hole.

Like most bullets, the Je Joue Classic is less than 5 inches long. But since it comes with a grip sleeve, I kinda wish it was longer. If you don’t want to block the buttons, you have to situate the sleeve about halfway down the bullet. This shortens your reach, which – if you have limited mobility – is probably already restricted. A few extra inches would be appreciated!

The Je Joue Classic Bullet compared with the Hot Octopuss Amo and We-Vibe Tango X.

The Je Joue Classic Bullet has 5 steady speeds and 7 patterns. You can switch through these with 3 buttons: increase (which doubles as on), decrease (which doubles as off), and a squiggle for patterns. You can turn up the power on pattern settings, which is neat.

To protect its charge port, this bullet has a butt flap: a little tab of silicone on the base. If you’re taking it into the tub or washing it post-use, make sure it’s fully fastened. The Je Joue Classic Bullet charges via USB.

my experience with the bullet

Let’s talk about the Classic Bullet’s motor first, since Je Joue is so proud of it. They’re right to be proud: this bullet’s vibrations are deliciously rumbly. The rippling rumbles on the first few speeds are especially satisfying.

The highest speed is less rumbly, but I often like the switch to sharper, more acute vibrations when I’m riding close to orgasm anyway. It’s hard to say if the Classic Bullet is stronger than the pricier We-Vibe Tango (they’re both less powerful than the budget Blush Power Vibe), but it’s definitely not as rumbly. The vibrations don’t penetrate as deeply. But they’re still toe-curlingly satisfying.

The Je Joue Silicone Classic Bullet With Ergonomic Finger Sleeve laying on its side.

The Classic Bullet’s speeds are pretty evenly paced (meaning each higher speed has an almost equal jump in power.) This makes for a more natural build up, without jarring intensity leaps like the Zalo Bess’s. I love being able to gradually work myself into an orgasm.

Despite being a pretty small toy, the vibrations don’t travel into your fingers very much. I own numerous bullets; “side buzz” is an expected shortcoming. I can’t comprehend how Je Joue managed it, but as someone with cramping-prone fingers, I appreciate the break!

The Classic Bullet’s squatly tapered tip isn’t as rigid as the rest of the toy. There’s a little bit of yield to the silicone, which makes it less stabby when you’re pressing down. If you prefer firm plastic (or even metal) for pinpoint pressure’s sake, that’s something to keep in mind.

I love this toy’s buttons. They’re small, but they’re raised so they’re easy to find by touch alone. The markings differentiating them are tactile-y unique enough that you can tell them apart, especially because decrease (a minus sign) is indented instead. Very thoughtful!

Another thing I love: the Classic Bullet is relatively quiet. The motor gives off a low, constant drone (not a high-pitched whine) punctuated by some puttering. When I masturbate at my desk, I can barely hear it beneath the tabletop.

classic bullet finger sleeve

I’m less impressed by the finger sleeve. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a wonderful addition (and often more useful than my Charged Positive’s plastic grip.) The stretchy silicone just needs a bit of wiggling (and/or lube) to slide on and off. It’s roomy enough to comfortably fit my fairly fat finger. Best of all, it can be repurposed to use with other bullets.

A white person's hand wearing the Je Joue Classic Bullet's finger sleeve.

But while I understand Je Joue’s inclination with the slanted design, I wish it was more 8-shaped. As is, the Classic Bullet’s finger sleeve keeps the bullet tucked away in your hand like a magician hiding something. If you can easily reach your genitals (or you’re just holding the bullet while loosely stroking someone’s penis) the sleeve works okay.

I might find the sleeve more personally accommodating if it had a cut out for fitting over the buttons. Or if Je Joue offered an extra long bullet or slimline-style vibrator for farther reach.

Still, it’s a step in the right direction, and an accessory most manufacturers don’t bother considering.

final thoughts on je joue

When Peepshow Toys offered to let me have my pick of Je Joue toys to review, I only asked for the Classic Bullet. I should have asked for all of them! Je Joue’s product catalog is small, but it’s obvious they design with care.

This chunky little bullet has a good (and rumbly!) motor, easy to use buttons, and a clever (if imperfect) finger sling. It’s gentle on my hands, with vibrations that don’t irritate my fingers and the opportunity to use it grasp-free.

Not thrilled by the standard bullet shape? Peepshow Toys carries two variations of the Classic Bullet: the curved G-Spot Bullet and the rabbity Mini Bullet. Neither of them come with the Classic’s finger sleeve.

Find the Je Joue Classic Bullet on Peepshow Toys for $65 USD at the time of writing. Get 10% OFF your whole order with code BETTY at checkout (unless there’s a sale going on!)


Thank you, Peepshow, for sending me the Classic Bullet With Ergonomic Finger Sleeve in exchange for an honest review.

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