8 Ways to Support Your Local Queer Sex Blogger

When people ask what I do for a living – a question I don’t love, but that’s a conversation for another day – I joyously explain that I write about queer sex on the internet.

As it turns out, it’s difficult to grow and monetize a blog about queer sex. Especially as a kinky, fat, autistic trans person. Consensual face slapping, double chins, neurodiversity, and singular “they”? That’s a big no from sex negative and (many, not all) sex positive spaces.

But I love what I do, and I intend to do it until I’m the fat, gay version of Joan Price.

If you want to support my work, there are several ways to do it. Some require your wallet, but many of them are free!

An orange tabby lounging on a couch next to a phone open on Facebook and a pile of Betty Butch business cards.

1) Follow me on social media.

Did you know I’m on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube? Following me on social media means you can keep up with my content and get to know me beyond my blog. It also means I have numbers that show potential clients that I’m a useful platform. (Bonus: I frequently share adorable pictures of my pets.)

2) Share my work.

Do you have friends or social media followers who might be interested in my content – or even more importantly, might need it? You can retweet me on Twitter, share my Instagram posts to your stories, share my Facebook posts – or post links to my work yourself!

An assortment of sex toys laying on a couch.
Top-left: Iroha Zen, Essential Dildo, RockHer Vibe, Desire Thrusting Dildo. Bottom-left: Princette Vibe, Charged Positive Bullet, PalmPower Wand, Womanizer Liberty

3) Shop at my sex shop affiliates.

When I write sex toy reviews, I link to the product and to comparison toys. If you click these links and make a purchase at that shop within 2 weeks (sometimes longer), I make a small commission. I have to be the first/only affiliate you’ve clicked through, so make sure you clear your browser cookies first.

4.) Subscribe to my newsletter.

I send out an email newsletter every few months to share recent posts, sex toy sales, and random thoughts on the industry. You can subscribe here, and forward them to friends if you think they might want a heads-up about big sales.

A coffee mug and a stack of sex positive books.
The New Topping Book, Ultimate Guide to Sex & Disability, Doing It!, Sex With the Lights On, Gender Outlaws

5.) Buy me a ko-fi.

Ko-Fi is a website that lets you support creators with a one time tip of $4 (the price of a cup of coffee) or more. If I’m not splurging on a book, I save up tips to purchase things for my business, like photo props and office furniture. (I also have a BMAC page if you don’t like ko-fi.)

6.) Buy me a book through my wishlist.

My favorite kind of gift! After years of not having the space for physical books, I finally have a new place – and a book shelf! You can help me stock my shelves with sex positive non-fiction books. Reading helps me grow as a writer, educator, and as an individual.

An orange tabby kitten attacking a pair of black earbuds.

7.) Shop via my Amazon affiliate link.

Not interested in sex toys right now? If you’re an avid Amazon user, you can use my Amazon affiliate link before stocking your cart with your next purchase. Whether you’re snagging some budget earbuds, or cat toys so your replacement earbuds don’t get chewed up, I’ll get a small commission.

8.) Leave comments on my blog posts.

If you ask me, this is actually the hardest thing on the list – but maybe that’s my social anxiety talking. The occasional comment on my reviews or essays is a great self-esteem boost, and it shows businesses I work with that I have engaged readers.


I am incredibly grateful I’m able to pursue my passion – and my special interests – full time. Thank you for helping make this dream possible.



  1. I don’t usually leave comments, but I wanted to let you know I really appreciate your blog. You write about subjects that are generally ignored in the sex blogging community, and have helped me better understand
    people’s experiences that are different from my own. I enjoy your clear and precise writing style, your very informative reviews, and your wry sense of humor. Your review of the Tongue-gasm made me snort laugh repeatedly! I also have been enjoying the adorable Corey & Marcus photos you post on Twitter, those two are just so sweet together. In closing, thank you for all the hard work you put into this blog and I wish you continued success in your career.

  2. I’m trying to leave more comment’s on people’s writing, especially now I’m (attempting to) spend less time on social media. I love how this post features so many cat photos, and fuck – the sex positive spaces who aren’t ok with shit like transness is exhausting. I thought my sex blog was the one place I could come out safely and BOY WAS I WRONG. I really appreciate all the work you do and your brilliant writing! (Wow, this is a clusterfuck of a comment – sorry!)

  3. Thank you for sharing this helpful and informative blog post! Your tips on how to support local queer sex bloggers are practical and insightful, and your call to action in recognizing the value and importance of their work is inspiring. It’s important to support and uplift the voices of marginalized communities, especially in the realm of sexuality and gender identity. Your blog post serves as a reminder of the power of community and the impact we can have by amplifying underrepresented voices. Keep up the great work in promoting inclusivity and diversity in the world of sexuality and blogging!

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