About Me

Welcome to my sex blog! My name is Betty Butch. I’m a kinky sex geek and sex toy reviewer.

I write about pleasure, risk-aware consensual kink, neurodiversity, queerness, mental health, relationships, and body positivity.

Perspectives like mine – autistic, nonbinary, and happily fat – are rarely reflected in sex-related media or discussions, and this blog gives me a platform to share my experiences.

Sex and kink are adult forms of play, and I have a big imagination. I want to spend my life exploring, learning, and theorizing. There are adventures and realizations to be had, and I’m keen on writing about both.

Join me?


About Betty Butch

Nobody who knows me outside of internet land is surprised to hear I’m a sex blogger. I regularly launch into enthusiastic rambles about everything from dental dams to anal sex.

I’m in my 30’s and have been with my partner for 15 years. We were gay high school sweethearts; now we’re queer non-monogamous kinksters. We live in Florida – the chunk of land that looks like America’s dick – with two rescue cats.

Our free time is spent at beaches, theme parks, or on the couch with a Nintendo Switch.

A picture of Betty Butch the sex writer and sex toy review blogger and their partner Buster LeBeau.
Buster LeBeau & Betty Butch

My gender is a hot mess and fluctuates like the whims of the weather. I’m pronoun indifferent (which means that I’m fine with any pronouns as long as you’re respectful), but the ones I use most often are they/them and she/her.

I’m super nerdy. I love going to conventions, reading comics, playing video games, and devouring copious amounts of fanfiction. Most of my t-shirts have superheros on them – and so does some of my underwear. If you want to help stock a bookworm’s sex positive shelves, I have a books wishlist!

Where to Start

Are you a new reader looking to get to know me or familiarize yourself with my work? Here are a few pieces that might provide more insight into who I am and what I do here:

Find Me on Social Media

If you want to keep up with my microblogging/microvlogging adventures, I’m on the following social media sites:

Contact Betty

Are you looking to work with me in a professional capacity? Please see my work with me page.

If you’re a reader with a question, concern, or some feedback, feel free to use the form below: